Privacy Policy– Happy Today, Happy Tomorrow

Privacy Policy


The copyright of the information contained in this website belongs to
(Will be refered to as “Molfix” in this context) unless otherwise specified.

Molfix respects your right to personal privacy. This policy summarizes the kinds of personal identification information we are allowed to collect and how we can use them. This policy also describes other important points
related to your personal privacy.

Visitors to the website may visit the site’s pages without providing any personal information, may obtain information on our services, reach information on our corporation and make use of our other services within the site.

However, there may be areas where you may need to sign up to be able to access some sections or make use of some services. Some personal information may be requested in these areas.

All your passwords are kept in an encrypted area in our website to prevent the loss, unauthorized use and alteration of your information.

You can access sections where information is stored later to change and update your information.

Information such as e-mail addresses, mail addresses and phone numbers are only used during the standard membership to the Molfix website for contact purposes and this information is recorded in the database only when the visitors who are about to become customers submit it to the relevant form with their own initiatives.

Private information will only be used to verify the identity of our users when the log on to the system or in other situations where such a necessity arises. It is impossible for another member to access your information and change it.

All the data within our system will be erased if the membership is cancelled.

Molfix guarantees not to sell the personal information collected during the standard procedure to third parties and/or corporations.

Besides this, Molfix may provide the information requested from it if it possesses this information within the context of a legal investigation to the relevant authority whose investigation capacity is documented.

There may be links to websites outside of within one or more pages of Molfix
Molfix isn’t responsible in any way for the specific privacy policies of these websites which aren’t managed by itself.

Websites which do not start with are websites unrelated to Molfix.

You are declaring that you accept the Molfix Privacy Policy by using this website.

We reserve the right to make changes, inclusions or exclusions regarding this privacy policy depending on our own initiative at any time.

If you continue using this website after the amendments made in these terms and conditions, you are deemed to have accepted these amendments.

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