
Your body nurtures a source that provides health and happiness to your baby: Breast milk. Even if your baby is on a diet of solid foods, breast milk would still be an irreplaceable source of nutrients for him/her. Regularly breastfeeding your baby helps your baby grow up to be healthier and also strengthens the connection between you and your baby.

How do you enhance the value of this hidden source of nutrients? Like many other breastfeeding mothers, you may be curious how your food intake affects the breast milk. Actually you don’t need to make drastic changes in your diet. It is sufficient that you keep in mind a few essential points.

A balanced diet

By choosing your meals from different food groups and consuming sufficient calories you can be sure your milk will  be improved in terms of nourishment as well volume. Consuming food from different food groups ensures that various vitamins that you and your baby need are accumulated in your body. In a nutshell; mix and choose your foodstuff. Eat today what you did have yesterday.

Snack frequently

Most breastfeeding mothers frequently feel hungry. Try not to skip snacks during the day and snack on healthy food to enable your body generate all the energy it needs as it works hard to produce breast milk.

Don’t obsess about baby weight

While some mothers easily shed the weight they add during pregnancy others may experience difficulties doing so. This could be linked to metabolism, amount of activity, life style, and other factors. When determining weight loss method most suitable for you, take into account the breast milk requirements of your baby and the wealth of nutrients you need to produce that breast milk. Avoiding low calorie diets especially during first few months after giving birth to ensure you maintain high levels of energy as well as breast milk.

Pick and choose when eating fish

You must also consume fish for a heart-friendly diet. Some species of fish are rich in DHA, EPA and Omega-3 (especially cold water fish) that are particularly essential for the brain and eye development of your baby in his/her first year. Your baby gets to feed on these fats by means of your breast milk. You can consume fish at least once a week. However, you must stay away from seafood high in mercury. Instead choose seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, shrimp, trout, sea bream, and crab.

Drink lots of water

Breast feeding mothers must drink plenty of water in addition to meeting the fluid requirements of their bodies through vegetables and fruits they consume. However, you don’t need to count the number of glasses of water you drink. Whenever you feel thirsty drink some water. If your urine is light yellow in color and clear you can safely assume that your body’s water requirements are sufficiently met. Caffeinated drinks could affect your baby through breast milk and as such you must consume this type of drinks in moderation and rather take more of freshly squeezed fruit juices or herbal teas.

Content provided by: ZNN Network

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