Weekly Development of Pregnancy ( 6 – 10 Weeks )


About you:

Your womb will continue to grow in the weeks to come. Normally the size of a small pear, the baby will be as big as an orange by your 10th week of pregnancy. You may have gained a few kilos by now, however, if you had were nauseous and could not keep your food down, you will need to meet the requirements of your growing womb. The extra amount of blood in your system will protect you and the baby against damaging effects when you lie down or stand up. Moreover, the increase in the volume of blood will prepare your body for the loss of blood during labour. The kidneys work overtime during this period to produce a fair amount of urine for almost two people. The constant need to pee could be trying for prospective mothers.

Also, at this stage, the milk ducts start to swell in preparation for breastfeeding following labor and the areola surrounding the nipple turns darker in colour. The breasts become more sensitive and the veins become quite visible. The skin also has its share of these hormonal changes. Your skin may become more oily, acne-prone or drier than usual. Due to increase in the levels of oestrogen hormone, you may notice vein formations in the shape of spider webs in some parts of your body. These usually disappear after pregnancy. An increase in vaginal discharge can occur; this discharge will be of mucous texture, transparent and a milky colour. If you do have such discharge, consult your doctor.

You may also experience mood swings due to the hormonal changes in your body. Do not panic or worry, it is completely temporary. The best you can do is explain to family and friends the mood swings are temporary. Some the other symptoms you may display are

● Dizziness
● Dull ache in the tummy
● Food cravings
● Loss of appetite
● Excessive tiredness
● Light brownish pigmentation

Your baby

The baby’s intestines have developed and foundation has been laid for the development of the lungs. Presently he/she looks like a tadpole, the spinal cord is bent; however, these change as the pregnancy progresses. The production of brain cells is also accelerated. During these weeks, the arms and then the legs are developing and will start to be visible. The contours of the face start to take shape and lips and nostrils are formed, the stomach takes shape, and the arrangement of the milk teeth in the mouth takes place. In short, many of the body parts used by the baby as a miniature human being start developing in preparation for birth. The bones that start out as cartilage will soon solidify, displaying accelerated development. Webbed hands give way to fingers. Most of the muscles are now in place and some movement may be observed on the ultrasound. Moreover, the umbilical cord, lengthening sacrum and the tiny spinal cord knobs can now be easily observed.

At the end of the 10th week, the baby is approximately 3 cm long and weighs 4 grams.

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